Tusani Happy Zippy shows 2014-2018
2014-2018 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009
9.+10.6.2018 Club and Specialty KCHRR Show
judges: breed specialists N.Nikolic (Kinyemi, DK) and Š.Štusáková (Annunaki, CZ)
veteran cl. - the oldest veteran at the show
judge: Š.Štusáková – Excellent 2
judge N.Nikolic – Excellent 2
31.3.+1.4.2018 ČKRR Club shows 2018
judges: Henk Salm (Paerdecroon kennel, NL) and Alicia Mohr-Hanna (Kimani kennel, USA)
veteran cl. - Very Good + Excellent
17.2.2018 Victory Show Bratislava
judge: Vladimír Piskay (SK)
veteran cl. - Excellent 1, BIG Veteran
26.8.2017 XIII. KCHRR Club show
judge: Jan Ryk (PL)
veteran cl. - Excellent 3
17.6.2017 ČKRR Club show
judge: E. Hammerschmid (AT)
veteran cl. - Excellent 3
10.6.2017 KCHRR Club show
judge I. Černohubová (CZ)
veteran cl. - Excellent 3
Zippy finished
14.5.2017 XXIII.Club show SKCHR
judge: Mrs.Lindsey Barnes (UK)
veteran cl. - Excellent 2
14+15.1.2017 DUO CACIB Nitra
judge: Bruska Maria (PL) + Leoš Jančík (CZ)
veteran cl. - Excellent 1 + Excellent 1
Zippy finished
03.+04.12.2016 DUO CACIB Nitra
judge: Lenka Frnčová + Viera Dvořáková
veteran cl. - Excellent 2 + Excellent 1
30.05.2015 XII. Special Club Show ČKRR
judge: Magdalena Musial (PL)
honourcl. - Excellent 2
7.9.2014 Club Show ČKRR, Orlík
jjudge: Karin van Klaveren (DE)
honourcl. - Excellent 3
6.9.2014 Club Show ČKRR, Orlík
jjudge: Monika Pehr (DE)
honourcl. - Excellent 3
honourcl. - Excellent 3