Manwë L litter
(Ch. Furaha Ashiq Manwë x C.I.B. Ghali Zawati Manwë)
první krmení - syrová krůtí prsa + kozí mléko
first feeding - raw turkey breast + goat milk
Manwë L litter
(Ch. Furaha Ashiq Manwë x C.I.B. Ghali Zawati Manwë)
Manwë L litter
(Ch. Furaha Ashiq Manwë x C.I.B. Ghali Zawati Manwë)
Manwë L litter
(Ch. Furaha Ashiq Manwë x C.I.B. Ghali Zawati Manwë)
Máme štěňátka! / Puppies are here!
2 kluci + 8 holek Zawati i štěňtáka jsou v pořádku. Děkujeme všem co na nás mysleli.
2 boys + 8 girls Zawati and puppies are doing well. Thanks to everyone who thought of us.
Manwë L litter
(Ch. Furaha Ashiq Manwë x C.I.B. Ghali Zawati Manwë)
Zawati day 58 ...
...we are ready...
Manwë L litter
(Ch. Furaha Ashiq Manwë x C.I.B. Ghali Zawati Manwë)
Březost potvrzena. Čekáme štěňátka!
Pregnancy confirmed. We are expecting puppies!
19+20.09.2020 ČKRR Club show
judge: Grzegorz Weron (PL) + Jan Ryk (PL)
C.I.B. Badawi Manwë ROM (9y old) - Excellent 3 + Excellent
C.I.B. Fumi Skye Manwë - Excellent + Excellent
C.I.B. Hayati Manwë - Excellent 2, res.CAC + Excellent 4
C.I.B. Hiru Masawi G´Musana Manwë - Excellent 3 + VG
Haidar Kiros Manwë - Excellent + Excellent
Ch. Hoon Nazira Manwë - VG3
Infinity Sean Manwë - Excellent + VG